On religion, spiritualitly, devotion and realisation of God

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Welcome to my website.

I am Sujatha, an Intellectual Property lawyer practising in the Delhi High Court, New Delhi, India. My main interest is in religion, philosophy, spirituality music and nature. This web-site has been constructed by me to act as a platform to exchange my thoughts, views and ideas with like minded people on various subjects of interest. I would like to discuss various topics on religion, philosophy and spirituality with special focus on the Indian stream of philosophy and thought. I would like to share all my knowldege and experience that I have gained in my life time of 27 years and will be happy to recieve queries and responses on Indian epics, spiritualty, devotion, etc. and provide information to people interested in India and its magnificient culture.

My Favorites

Favorite book: The Bhaghwad Puran
Favorite food: Spicy Indian food

My Hobbies

I sing Indian Classical music. I have interest in mantras, yantras, pujas, delivering religious discourses and discussing topics related to spirituality and attainment of God.

Most Admired

Lord Krishna, Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa.

Om Shree Matre Namah
Salutations to Devi Maha TripuraSundari

Favorite Links

Sites on music and general interest

sites on religion, puja mantras,etc

Want to get in touch? You can send me e-mail at: